Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.

Đơn vị chủ quản: 
Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
Tỉnh/Thành phố: 
Phnom Penh - Cambodia
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DANH MỤC PHÉP THỬ ĐƯỢC CÔNG NHẬN LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTS (Kèm theo Quyết định số: /QĐ-VPCNCL ngày tháng 04 năm 2024 của Giám đốc Văn phòng Công nhận chất lượng) AFL 01/12 Lần ban hành/Issued No: 4.24 Soát xét/ngày/ Revised/dated: Trang: 1/6 Tên phòng thí nghiệm: Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Laboratory: Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Cơ quan chủ quản: Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Organization: Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Lĩnh vực thử nghiệm: Cơ Field of testing: Mechanical Người quản lý/ Laboratory manager: Stalin Durairaj Số hiệu/ Code: VILAS 1534 Hiệu lực công nhận/ Period of Validation: từ ngày /04 /2024 đến ngày /04/2027 Địa chỉ/ Address: No.1452, St. Betong, Kauk Chambak village, Chaom Chao 1 Quarter, Po Senchey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Postal Code: 120909) Địa điểm/Location: No.1452, St. Betong, Kauk Chambak village, Chaom Chao 1 Quarter, Po Senchey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Postal Code: 120909) Điện thoại/ Tel: 023 900 993 / 994 Fax: 0283.8160 999 E-mail: Website: DANH MỤC PHÉP THỬ ĐƯỢC CÔNG NHẬN LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTS VILAS 1534 AFL 01/12 Lần ban hành/Issued No: 4.24 Soát xét/ngày/ Revised/dated: Trang: 2/6 Lĩnh vực thử nghiệm: Cơ Field of testing: Mechanical TT No. Tên sản phẩm, vật liệu được thử Materials or product tested Tên phép thử cụ thể The name of specific tests Giới hạn định lượng (nếu có)/Phạm vi đo Limit of quantitation (if any)/ range of measurement Phương pháp thử Test method 1. Textiles Determination of colour fastness to laundering 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) ISO 105 C06:2010 BS EN ISO 105 C06:2010 AATCC TM61-2013e(2020)e2 2. Determination of colour fastness to perspiration 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) AATCC TM15-2021e ISO 105 E04:2013 BS EN ISO 105 E04:2013 3. Determination of colour fastness to crocking/ rubbing 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) AATCC TM8-2016e(2022)e ISO 105 X12:2016 BS EN ISO 105 X12:2016 4. Assessment of potential to phenolic yellowing of materials 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) ISO 105 X18:2007 5. Determination of colour fastness to storage: Dye Transfer 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) AATCC TM163-2013 (2020)e2 6. Determination of Colour fastness to Ozone 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) AATCC TM109-2011(2016)e 7. Determination of Colour fastness to light: Xenon - Arc 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) AATCC TM16.3-2020 8. Determination of colour fastness to water 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) AATCC TM107-2022 ISO 105 E01:2013 9. Determination of colour fastness to dry cleaning 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) AATCC TM132-2004e3 (2013)e3 ISO 105 D01:2010 10. Determination of colour fastness to chlorine bleach, non-chlorine bleach 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) AATCC TS-001 (version 0300A:Technical Supplement) 11. Determination of colour fastness to artificial Saliva 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) DIN 53160-1:2010 12. Determination of colour fastness to artificial Sweat 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) DIN 53160-2:2010 13. Textile fabrics Test of Water Repellency. Spray method Grade (1 ~ 5) Grade (0 ~ 100) AATCC TM22-2017e ISO 4920:2012 14. Textiles, Garments Determination of dimensional change in washing --- AATCC TM135-2018t AATCC TM150-2018t ISO 5077:2007 BS EN ISO 5077:2008 DANH MỤC PHÉP THỬ ĐƯỢC CÔNG NHẬN LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTS VILAS 1534 AFL 01/12 Lần ban hành/Issued No: 4.24 Soát xét/ngày/ Revised/dated: Trang: 3/6 TT No. Tên sản phẩm, vật liệu được thử Materials or product tested Tên phép thử cụ thể The name of specific tests Giới hạn định lượng (nếu có)/Phạm vi đo Limit of quantitation (if any)/ range of measurement Phương pháp thử Test method 15. Textiles Determination of Smoothness appearance of fabrics after repeated home laundering 0.5 grade/ Grade (1~5) AATCC TM124-2018t ISO 7768:2009 16. Determination of Skewness after Laundering AATCC TM179-2019 ISO 16322-1:2005(E) ISO 16322-2:2005(E) ISO 16322-3:2005(E) 17. Fiber Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative (0 ~ 100) % AATCC TM20-2021 AATCC TM20A- 2021 ISO 1833-2/12/18: 2020 ISO 1833-5/8: 2006 ISO 1833-3/21: 2019 ISO 1833-4/11: 2017 ISO 1833-20: 2018 18. Determination of mass per unit area (weight) of fabric 0.1 g/m2 ASTM D3776/D3776M-20 Option C ISO 3801:1977 Method 05 19. Leather Determination of Thickness (0 ~ 30) mm ISO 2589:2016 20. Textiles Determination of number of threads per unit length 1 thread ASTM D3775-17e1(2023) ASTM D3887-07A(2019)e1 ISO 7211-2:1984 Method A & B 21. Determination of Breaking Strength of Textile Fabrics. Grab Method 0.1 N/ (0 ~ 5 000) N ASTM D5034-21 22. Determination of maximum force. Grab method 0.1N / (0 ~ 5 000) N ISO 13934-2:2014 BS EN ISO 13934- 2:2014 23. Determination of tearing strength of farbrics. Falling-Pendulum (Elmendorf-Type) method 0.1 g / (0 ~ 25 600) g ASTM D1424-21 24. Determination of Tearing strength Ballistic pendulum method (Elmendorf) 0.1 g/ (0 ~ 6 400) g ISO 13937-1:2000 BS EN ISO 13937-1:2000 ASTM D2261-13 (2017)e1 25. Determination of tear force of trouser shaped test specimens Single tear method 0.1 g/ (0~ 6 400) g ISO 13937-2:2000 BS EN ISO 13937-2:2000 DANH MỤC PHÉP THỬ ĐƯỢC CÔNG NHẬN LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTS VILAS 1534 AFL 01/12 Lần ban hành/Issued No: 4.24 Soát xét/ngày/ Revised/dated: Trang: 4/6 TT No. Tên sản phẩm, vật liệu được thử Materials or product tested Tên phép thử cụ thể The name of specific tests Giới hạn định lượng (nếu có)/Phạm vi đo Limit of quantitation (if any)/ range of measurement Phương pháp thử Test method 26. Textiles Determination of Bursting Strength Hydraulic method 0.5 psi/ (0 ~ 60) psi 1 psi/ (0~ 200) psi ASTM D3786/D3786M-18 (2023) 27. Determination of Seam Slippage 0.1N/ (0 ~ 5 000) N ASTM D1683/D1683M-22 28. Determination of the slippage resistance of yarns at a seam in woven fabrics Fixed seam opening method 0.1N/ (0 ~ 5 000) N ISO 13936-1:2004 BS EN ISO 13936- 1:2004 29. Determination of slippage resistance of yarns at a seam in woven fabrics. Fixed load method --- ISO 13936-2:2004 BS EN ISO 13936-2:2004 30. Determination of Seam Strength 0.1N/ (0 ~ 5 000) N ASTM D1683/D1683M-22 31. Determination of maximum force to seam rupture. Strip method 0.1N/ (0 ~ 5 000) N ISO 13935-1:2014 BS EN ISO 13935- 1:2014 32. Determination of maximum force to seam rupture. Grab method 0.1N/ (0 ~ 5 000) N ISO 13935-2:2014 BS EN ISO 13935- 2:2014 33. Determination of stretch and recovery properties of Fabrics Woven from Stretch Yarns 0.1 % ASTM D3107-07(2019) 34. Determination of Stretch Properties of Knitted Fabrics Having Low Power 0.1 % ASTM D2594/2594M-21 35. Determination of Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics Martindale Abrasion Method 1 mg / 1cycle 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) ASTM D4966:22 36. Determination of abrasion resistance of fabrics. Determination of Specimen breakdown. Martindale method --- ISO 12947-2:2016 BS EN ISO 12947-2:1998 37. Determination of abrasion resistance of fabrics. Determination of Mass loss. Martindale method 1 mg/1cycle ISO 12947-3:1998/Cor 1:2002 BS EN ISO 12947-3:1998 DANH MỤC PHÉP THỬ ĐƯỢC CÔNG NHẬN LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTS VILAS 1534 AFL 01/12 Lần ban hành/Issued No: 4.24 Soát xét/ngày/ Revised/dated: Trang: 5/6 TT No. Tên sản phẩm, vật liệu được thử Materials or product tested Tên phép thử cụ thể The name of specific tests Giới hạn định lượng (nếu có)/Phạm vi đo Limit of quantitation (if any)/ range of measurement Phương pháp thử Test method 38. Textiles Determination of abrasion resistance of fabrics. Assessment of appearance change. Martindale method. 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) ISO 12947-4:1998 BS EN ISO 12947-4:1998 39. Determination of Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics. Rotary Platform, Double-Head Method 1 mg / 1cycle ASTM D3884:09(2017) 40. Determination of fabric propensity to surface fuzzing and to pilling. Pilling box method 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) ISO 12945-1:2020 BS EN ISO 12945-1:2001 41. Determination of Pilling Resistance and Other Related Surface Changes of Textile Fabrics. Random Tumble Pilling Method 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) ASTM D3512/D3512M-10 (2016) 42. Determination of Pilling Resistance and Other Related Surface Changes of Textile Fabrics. Martindale method 0.5 grade/ Grade (1 ~ 5) ASTM D4970D4970M-22 ISO 12945-2:2020 BS EN ISO 12945-2:2020 43. Determination of Bow and Skew in Woven and Knitted Fabrics --- ASTM D3882-08 (2020) 44. Zippers Determination of Strength 0.1N/(0 ~ 5 000) N 0.25 kgf/(0 ~ 30) kgf ASTM D2061-07(2021) 45. Determination of Operability 0.1N/(0 ~ 5 000) N 0.25 kgf/(0 ~ 30) kgf ASTM D2062-03 (2021) (1) 46. Children toys Checking of small part on products --- 16 CFR 1501:2020 ASTM F963-23 Section 4.6 47. Checking of Sharp points on products --- 16 CFR 1500.48:2023 ASTM F963-23 Section 4.9 48. Checking of Sharp Edges on products --- 16 CFR 1500.49 :2023 ASTM F963-23 Section 4.7 49. Textile fabrics Determination of Flammability Class (1 ~ 3) 16 CRF 1610:2023 ASTM D1230-22a (1) Excluding of reciprocating tests DANH MỤC PHÉP THỬ ĐƯỢC CÔNG NHẬN LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTS VILAS 1534 AFL 01/12 Lần ban hành/Issued No: 4.24 Soát xét/ngày/ Revised/dated: Trang: 6/6 TT No. Tên sản phẩm, vật liệu được thử Materials or product tested Tên phép thử cụ thể The name of specific tests Giới hạn định lượng (nếu có)/Phạm vi đo Limit of quantitation (if any)/ range of measurement Phương pháp thử Test method 50. Children’s sleepwear Determination of Flammability (0 ~ 10) inches 16 CFR 1615:2023 16 CFR 1616:2023 51. Toys and other articles intended for use by children over 18 months but not over 36 months of age Test for simulating use and abuse of articles intended for use by children: Torque test 3.2 in.lbf (0.36 N.m) 16 CFR 1500.52:2023 (e) ASTM F963-23 Section 8.8 52. Test for simulating use and abuse of articles intended for use by children: Tension test 15.5 lbf (69.0 N) 16 CFR 1500.52:2023 (f) ASTM F963-23 Section 8.9 53. Toys and other articles intended for for use by children over 36 months but not over 96 months of age Test for simulating use and abuse of articles intended for use by children: Torque test 4.2 in.lbf (0.47 N.m) 16 CFR 1500.53:2023 (e) ASTM F963-23 Section 8.8 54. Test for simulating use and abuse of articles intended for use by children: Tension test 15.5 lbf (69.0 N) 16 CFR 1500.53:2023 (f) ASTM F963-23 Section 8.9 55. Textiles Determination of pH of aqueous extract (0.01 ~ 14.00) ISO 3071:2020 Note: - BS: British Standard; - EN: European Standard; - CFR: The Code of Federal Regulations; - ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials; - ISO: International Organization for Standardization; - DIN: Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN; in English, the German Institute for Standardization); - AATCC: American Association of Textile Chemists./. - It is mandatory for the Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd that provides product quality testing services must register their activities and be granted a certificate of registration according to the law before providing the service.
Ngày hiệu lực: 
Địa điểm công nhận: 
No.1452, St. Betong, Kauk Chambak village, Chaom Chao 1 Quarter, Po Senchey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Postal Code: 120909)
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