Mã số Tên phòng Thời gian hủy Tình trạng
1008 Laboratory Center Valid
1314 Research and Quality Analysis Department Valid
1294 CN-KCS Section Valid
1311 Quality management Department Valid
1315 FEC group joint stock company Valid
1495 Calibration Laboratory Valid
1219 Quality Management Department Valid
705 Quality Management Department Valid
282 NhaTrang testing Laboratory Valid
219 Institute of Public Health Valid
1096 Eurofins Consumer Product Testing Vietnam Company Limited Valid
988 Drug, Cosmetic Quality Control Center of Ba Ria – Vung Tau Valid
457 The Lab - Center For Analysis And Environment Valid
635 Laboratory and Quality Control Valid
742 Resources and Environment Monitoring Center Valid
1506 Power Transformer Testing Laboratory Valid
688 Drug, comestic and food Quality Control Center Valid
540 Quality control center of Dong Nai Province Valid
701 Lavergne Laboratory Valid
1192 Quality Control and Technology Department Valid
946 Quality Control Valid
656 Measurement - Calibration Laboratory Valid
772 Environmental Engineering Research and Development lab Valid
712 Petrol Electrical Testing Center - TSR Valid
168 Pesticide formulations and residues laboratory Valid
1280 Department of environmental monitoring and analysis Valid
1499 National Center for Occupational Safety & Health Valid
294 Verification Quality and Measurement Centre Valid
1500 Hanoi Electrical Testing Company. Verification Calibration Center Valid
1277 Testing laboratory Valid
1287 DT&C VINA Joint Stock Company Valid
741 Mitutoyo Vietnam Company Limited Valid
1306 Calibration Center Valid
1272 Laboratory Center Valid
679 Department of Medical Testing and Environmental Analysis Valid
720 Khanh Hoa quality control center Valid
1282 Laboratory Department - Nui Tien Pure Water Company Limited Valid
1020 Premiums Assurance Laboratory at Danang Valid
450 Center of Environmental Technology in Ho Chi Minh City Valid
081 Testing Laboratory Valid
446 Mechanical – Physical rubber research testing laboratory v.lab Valid
270 FICO Tay Ninh Cement Joint Stock Company Valid
317 Testing laboratory of lighting equipment Valid
951 Division of Environmental Monitoring Valid
332 National Centre for Veterinary Diagnosis Valid
1496 Testing laboratory of chemical - material – oil grease lubricant Valid
1498 Environmental monitoring and analysis department Valid
246 Center of Industrial Environment Valid
167 Laboratory for Testing and Checking quality of construction Valid
452 Electrical Testing and Research Joint Stock Company Valid


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